PC Modding & Making Podcast

I’ve come to realize I am clearly a terrible blogger, as my last blog post was about a year ago. SO I’ve pivoted to the audio format and I’ve started up a Podcast to help keep track of the projects I myself, and other creative folk are working on!

If you search PC Modding on Spotify, Apple, or Google Podcast platforms you will find the PC Modding & Making Podcast, With Rhoads Pc. If it wasn’t obvious before, let me point out that that is, in fact, my Podcast :)

If you are so inclined, please have a listen and consider subscribing or downloading the episodes you enjoy, as I hear those sort of actions really help the young Podcaster in this new realm. Moreso if you yourself happen to want to join me and talk about some fun creative project or just talk shop for any length of time ( I’m currently planning for around 40 minute long episodes every 2 weeks ) then please get in touch from the contact information at the bottom of my home page, as I’d be happy to have you!

All the best, and Have Fun.

Derek / Rhoads Pc



Canadian Modding Comp