Blog Post #1 - YouTube

Thank you for being here and checking in on my personal blog. I wanted to use this space to talk about some of the ideas I have or mindset I’ve found is required in this hobby. This post is titled YouTube, because I am new to having a YouTube channel and making videos, and its been quite the endeavor so far. It definitely takes a lot of mental fortitude.

I was working on a video to teach viewers the simple process I use to apply a design to tempered glass using glass etching cream and a vinyl stencil. The footage took me 2 evenings to capture as I worked on the project, and then the video editing, adding audio and music took me from about 9pm until 1am.

Staying up until midnight or later is not uncommon in this hobby. In fact there’s probably more nights then not that my kids and girlfriend go to bed hours before me, and I stay up to focus in on a computer build, 3D print, painting, or now YouTube content and video editing.

Now this morning I’ve spent about an hour sharing and promoting my newest YouTube video that I stayed up until 1am making AND here we are !!! ….

5 views .. /smh

But that’s ok ! I’ve decided to not care about views, or exposure, and absorb all of the constructive criticism I can over the next year and make YouTube videos for myself and my 5 viewers for the next year. 5 views per video will remain my goal over the next year as I improve and learn and enjoy the process and the hobby.

It’s an incredible hobby with incredible people, and I’m enjoying the late nights and the grind.

5 views per video for a year, Lets go.


Canadian Modding Comp